WCHA is auctioning One (1) Month of Horse Training provided by the named trainer in The WCHA Trainer Sale. The month of training is to be used in 2019, unless otherwise agreed. Bidding opens on Monday, February 18 at 9 am. Eastern time. Bidding starts closing on Wednesday, February 20 at 7 pm. Eastern time. Each Lot will close 3 minutes apart. Bidding for each trainer will start at $500.
Excluded from purchase are ANY and ALL additional fees related to the horse utilizing the One Month of Training, for example and NOT limited to, Veterinary, Farrier, Show Fees, Mileage for hauling, etc.
Prior to bid opening on February 18, the Month of Training for each Trainer can be purchased through a BUY NOW offering. The BUY NOW price for each trainer is $1,000. BUY NOW is open from February 12 to February 17.