The AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Crisis Fund was created to assist professionals in time of need. The AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Council will host an online auction to raise funds for this great cause during the 2017 Lucas Oil AQHA World Championship Show.
Bidding opens November 11 and closes November 15. You can reach the online auction at
This auction is open to the public and donated items are gladly accepted. Donation forms are available at the top of the page for anyone interested. Your support in this auction will strengthen the ability of the Professional Horsemen’s Council to assist AQHA Professional Horsemen who are in need of the crisis fund.
About the Crisis Fund
The AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Crisis Fund provides assistance to AQHA Professional Horsemen who have suffered sudden and demonstrable hardship or disaster of a severe and unexpected nature or from serious physical illness.
Someone who dearly knows the value of the AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Crisis Fund is AQHA Professional Horsewoman Cynthia Cantleberry of Paso Robles, California. Cantleberry had a horse flip over on top of her, driving the saddle horn into her femoral artery, rupturing it.
“It was freak accident,” Cantleberry recalls. “The severity of smashing this artery is you have a 5 percent chance of making it to the hospital and a 5 percent chance of making it out of surgery, and I was lucky enough to do both.”
After finally returning home, the first people who called Cantleberry were AQHA Professional Horsemen, asking how they could help.
“Being a part of the AQHA Professional Horseman program is like having insurance,” Cantleberry adds. “No, they will not pay all your bills, but what they send will help.”
Cantleberry has been showing at the AQHA World Show every year but one since its beginning in 1974. She was named Professional Horsewoman of the Year in 2001, and her dedication to AQHA and the AQHA Professional Horseman program is inspiring. She says it best: “You don’t change things by griping; you change things by helping.”
The AQHA of Professional Horsemen is a professional organization of horse trainers. To become an AQHA Professional Horseman, these horsemen and -women must agree to adhere to the professional standards of AQHA and to work in a professional manner to further its goals and objectives.
For more information on AQHA Professional Horsemen, visit
For more information, contact:
Karen McCuistion
Manager of Professional Horsemen and Team Wrangler
American Quarter Horse Association
PO Box 200
Amarillo, TX 79168
806-376-4811 ext. 4361
[email protected]